In this kind of love

do not worship anything in particular
But if I did, I’d revere
The sweet simple sound of breath
That specific note saying
“I’m alive! We’re alive! It’s all going along
well in here, be glad for it!”
I’d revere
That way that muscle supports bone
That when you stand you stand
Upright, and with sight to the horizon
And with the unity of all matter in flesh in a direction
Unquestioned and yet it lets you sit
And stand, and run, and fuck me when you
want to

I’d revere not you
Not me, but the boundless unpinnable
Gossamer threads that bind us
Making a ghost of our holies
The ones we accumulate and
The ones we carelessly leave behind
Strewing visited places with our love
I’d revere that look in the eyes of a third
Person, when they drink a glimpse of
That holiness, and I wish I could
Unbuckle my cup and pour a fountain
Of golden richness down their throat and
Over their face

I’d revere the ache I now feel for every other human
To be loved
To be this extraordinarily cherished
The grief, now, knowing this
Knowing this blooming blushing everyday
And then glancing over at the other
Blindfolded, and wishing I could take our love and
Pour it liberally into their parched souls
Watch the light bodies fill and thirst slake
And watch the poignant recognition hit that
This was what life could be after all

This is all to say
I love you
I love you
I love you
And I feel the fill of that cup until
The end of time
I feel the rock that we are down deep
In the base of what is me but is not mine
Far settled down in ancient history
I feel the knowing looks of ancestors
Who found this
The endless capably-altering substance
That we are, that of the moon
And the sun, that of all things—

—I love you, and this is rich
And that is it.

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